City of Monash

Carlson Reserve

Work area: 1230m2

Project value: $362,000

Project commencement: April 2022

Project completion: September 2022

Construction of a new forecourt space adjacent to the existing pavilion, playspace and multi-sports courts. The project’s objective was to provide a place to meet and socialise, in addition to supporting key pedestrian movements through the reserve.

The scope includes:

  • Installation of hard landscaping comprising new paved areas, integrating a variety of finishes including exposed coloured concrete and cobblestone pavers

  • Reconfigured carpark spaces

  • New soft and hard landscaping elements

  • Custom formed in-situ concrete seats with timber seat inserts

  • New street furniture, infrastructure and feature lighting

  • Interactive play elements including ping pong table and chess tables


Brimbank City Council - More Park Carpark


Monash University - Campus Centre Balconies